Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

So fall is here and everyday Christmas gets a little nearer.  Am I the only one who's already busted out the Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole?  I'm so ready for the snowmen, caroling, and hot chocolate.  I'll admit, I really hate the cold.  But November and December are two of my favorite months of the year.  So many people are just plain happy this time of year.  Everywhere you go you see lights and decorations, christmas trees in windows, kids playing in the snow.  It's such a positive time of year.  November and December are months that are meant to be used to appreciate what you have and to share the happiness with those around you.  And who wouldn't be happy with all of those holiday baked goods!

And the music! Oh the music is what brings it all together! Everyone has their own favorites whether it be The Twelve Days of Christmas, I'll be home for Christmas, or something else, there's always that one song that throws you into the holiday spirit!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Byebye Best Friend

So what exactly is it like to lose your best friend? Does it hurt?  Do you cry?  How can you handle losing one of the most important things in your life?  Something that means the world to you, and has taught you so much.  I think I've figured it out.  You have to appreciate all that you've been through together.  Through thick and thin, rain or shine, we've been inseperable.  Some would say it's love, and I would probably agree.  But if he really is leaving, then we must have gained everything we were meant to from each other. Our relationship has lived its life and will be remembered by us both for the rest of our lives.  He changed me, he really did.  He taught me patience, persistent, how to laugh, how to forgive, how to stay calm, how to work my way through the most difficult of problems and more.  I hope what I taught him in return amounts to the same.  But the truth is we are the best of friends, and friendship never dies.
I love you buddy.